‘Joyful, Joyful.’ The Beatitudes According To A Baptist Peacemaker


Joyful are those who know they are helpless

For they rely on God,

And God’s eternal Commonwealth is theirs.


Joyful are those who know sorrow and pain,

For peace and quiet joy will be theirs;

Gentle certainty will be theirs;

And strength will come to them in abundance.


Joyful are those who do not tread on others,

Those whose words and deeds are gentle,

For they will be the ones with the new earth.


Joyful are those whose hearts break,

and whose spirits groan, for justice in this world,

For they will see the great realm of peace and justice,

And their quest will be accomplished,

And their dream will come true.


Joyful are those who respond to others in need

Who do not remember past wrongs,

For God will forgive their wrongs

And respond to their needs.


Joyful are those whose

hearts and minds thirst for one thing,

And that is to walk in God’s way

And to live in God’s truth,

No matter how high the toll;

For they will bask in God’s love.


Joyful are those who work for peace,

For they are God’s children;

God is their Father who provides for them,

And their Mother who nurtures them.


Joyful are you who meet with hatred

because of your stand for justice,

Your reward will not be the punishment

of those who abuse you;

Instead, you will long for their redemption;

Instead, your reward will be to see

the reign of God in its completeness;

Your reward will be to see God’s justice

ruling all humanity and all creation,

And there will be no end to that era of justice.


Joyful are you who endure harsh things

because of the teachings of Christ;

You will know the endless government

of justice and peace,

The endless (reign) of love and truth.

Be comforted in this,

for all who have so spoken the truth

have been so abused.

All of you can be full of joy,

Because you have hope—

The hope of God’s Commonwealth—

Where tears are wiped away,

Where pain is erased.

You will be in harmony with creation

You will see the everlasting domain

of justice, mercy, peace, and truth,

You will be in the presence of God.

You will look upon God’s face, and not faint.

God’s eyes will smile upon you;

You will sit in God’s lap,

And feel God’s embrace.

You will sit by the fire with God,

And you will rest.


Katie Cook, Baptist Peacemaker.




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