How the Beatitudes brought down the Wall.

This is an incredible and inspiring story, related by Rev. Christian Fuhrer of how the beatitudes helped bring down the Berlin Wall… (Thanks to Glen Powell for this link).

The events in fall 1989
“Nikolaikirche – open to all” became reality in autumn 1989 and surprised us all. After all, it united people from the whole of the former GDR: those who wanted to leave the country and those who were curious, regime critics and Stasi (State Security Police) personnel, church staff and SED members, Christians and Non-Christians beneath the outspread arms of the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ. In view of the political reality between 1949 and 1989, this defies all imagination. It became reality. Exactly 450 years after the introduction of the Reformation in Leipzig, 176 years after the Battle of Nations in Leipzig. Now it was Leipzig once more. From 8 May 1989, the driveways to the church were blocked by the police. Later the driveways and motorway exits were subject to large-scale checks or even closed during the prayers-for-peace period. The state authorities exerted greater pressure on us to cancel the peace prayers or at least to transfer them to the city limits. Monday after monday there were arrests or “temporary detentions” in connection with the peace prayers. Even so, the number of visitors flocking to the church continued to grow to a point where the 2.000 seats were no longer sufficient. Then came the all-deciding 9 October 1989. And what a day it was!

To read more click here (you won’t regret it!)…

1 Comment »

  1. Peter B says:

    WOW! How inspiring – thanks for the post, Steve.

    This morning I was on my way to work in Mayfair and the train didnot stop at Piccadilly Circus. there was
    a security risk. I found out later that a car was found full of explosives earlier this morning and luckily has been
    safely removed… And the reality of being in London, the financial mecca of Europe, is finally hitting me. I also
    have lunch at a park in front of the American Embassy up the road, a prime target I’m sure. We need this
    non-violent Jesus more than ever. And I need to live his way, immitate him, model him and help others
    do the same.

    Thanks for reminding me that it is worth the effort to follow Jesus. It is the ONLY way to peace.


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