Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor
::Site Sponsor::
If you want to “Be with the poor” in more then just spirit, you want to check out (and maybe join or support) Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor.
Servants is “a network of Christian teams living and working amongst the urban poor in Asia’s mega cities, participating with the poor to bring hope and justice through Jesus Christ.”
Live it! and they have a great online forum.
We (Servants) just had a great time with Dave at Greenbelt UK where Dave spoke about Plan Be. A good response: heaps of people were touched and hopefully moved to make this stuff increasingly real in their own lives. Servants UK (as part of our move towards blurring the line between “home” and “mission field”) is coordinating folks who want to engage in an ongoing conversation about this in their own geographical area. check out the Servants website for more info and contact details: