Anti-environmental backlash

This week i came across two pretty clear responses to the social and environmental crises we’re working against:

the Vice Fund, an investment fund which only buys alcohol, tobacco, gaming, and ‘defense’ stocks. according to their prospectus, “although considered politically incorrect… the advisor considers these industries to be nearly recession-proof” – or, in the words of the Soprano family, “Sil, break it down for em. What two businesses have traditionally been recession-proof since time immemorial?” “Certain aspects of show business, and our thing.”
A depressing reminder that there will always be someone ready to profit from the misery of others.

Then i saw an ad on the side of a bus – this jeans company has a series of (very creative) ads:
Of course, it’s all advertising, and they’re not serious, so they’re promoting to take the heat off. Still, the suggestion is that if you’re rich and beautiful enough you’ll be safe – and it’s a perfect example of a dangerous half-truth.

… And I had drafted this post but not published it when i walked past an 80’s nightclub in the city – “club retro” their banner says:
“The Retro solution to global warming: Ice Ice Baby!”

and one last reference i just found on a mySpace site:
“We can be the change we wish to have in our pocket”


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