to be prepared, and willing, and brave

i have just had dinner with a friend
he told a story of a protest he was involved in, long ago, far away.
(actually it was America, in the 60’s)

it was a peaceful protest, until someone shouted at someone else for some reason
suddenly the street was full of riot police – hundreds of them appeared, as if they had popped up from the ground. everybody was scared, everybody ran. all of a sudden the street was empty. my friend cowered in a doorway with a few others.
and then a man appeared, on roller skates, wearing a Nixon mask and a dressing gown and nothing else, and he skated down the street flashing. the tension was broken. everybody laughed. people returned to the street. the protest continued.

there are moments when a tiny minority (even one person) if prepared and willing and brave enough to do the unthinkable, can restore hope and joy to a situation where there was only violence and fear. let us be prepared. let us be willing. let us be brave.

i don’t even own a dressing gown ??

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