Tri Calls Us To Welcome Asylum Seekers

Photo: On the road to Canberra with Tri.

Over the Easter weekend I joined Tri Nguyen and three other asylum seekers, Linda, Daniel and Majid on the last leg of their walk from Melbourne to Canberra to take a message to the heart of the nation.

Tri wanted to thank Australians for giving him the gift of refuge when he came with his family on a boat from Vietnam thirty-two years ago; and he wanted to ask Australians to give the same gift of refuge to others, like Linda, Daniel and Majid, seeking asylum on our shores today.

This is the message Tri delivered on the grounds of Parliament House:

‘Thank you Australia. Thank you for the gift of refuge that you have given me and my family. Thank you for giving this gift of refuge to generations of migrants who have sought asylum in this land.

While I was a stranger, you welcomed me. While I was a boat person seeking asylum, you responded with compassionate hospitality. While I was vulnerable and without hope, you cared for me and welcomed me into a safe community where healing could begin.

Thank you to all the elders, past and present, the traditional custodians of this land for your gracious welcome of all people seeking refuge in this land. In your vulnerability you call me your brother. In your suffering you call me your sister. You affirmed to me that together we are God’s family.

Thank you Malcolm Fraser, it was your Government, which sought a bipartisan approach, working in collaboration with other countries, that responded to a generation of Vietnamese refugees. We are forever grateful.

Thank you Australian Parliament for continuing to seek ways to respond to the great need of people in the world fleeing war, persecution, oppression, marginalisation … seeking asylum. For many Australia is their last hope.

Thank you to my wonderful friends Linda, Daniel and Majid for walking with me from Melbourne to Canberra, sharing in the laughter, tears, the pain and the joy in our common humanity receiving welcome and hospitality. You are an inspiration!

I too have a dream! That in thirty two years time, your children will walk from towns and cities to Canberra to thank the Australian people and the Australian parliament for giving their parents the gift of refuge.

I too have a dream, that Australia will continue to be a nation that welcomes the strangers, that cares for the vulnerable and gives a fair go to all who are seeking refuge.

That’s the Australia to be proud of.’

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