Prayers of the People

One: Forgive, O loving God, the failure of your children that is represented in all war. In your loving mercy, forgive our failure to make peace with one another. Grant pardon to all who have contributed to war’s progress through ambition, belligerence, falsehood, suspicion, arrogance, animosity and terror.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: God grant new measures of courage to those in all nations who are under arms this day. Where there is paralysing fear and dread draw close to your children and give them hope.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: God who shares our life in Jesus Christ, there is no journey which you have not travelled, there are no people beyond your care. Surround all in harm’s way and be near to those who are helpless, homeless and hapless in war’s presence. Abide with all those who are frightened, displaced, wounded and killed by war’s horrible destruction.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: O Father and Mother of all, we pray for sons and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and strangers in the military; those now serving in Iraq and those who have returned bearing the physical and psychological scars of war. Forgive us for forgetting them and for neglecting their wounds, and pour out your healing, hope, justice, and mercy where no human efforts can reach.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: God of love and of life, power and might, no challenge is beyond your reach, no darkness too deep for your illumination, no wound so grievous as to be beyond your healing. Stir now to bring your Spirit among us, stilling, teaching, sustaining, comforting. Abide and keep all your creatures in your eternal care, no matter what harm we may try to inflict upon one another.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: We thank you for those who even now work for peace and order through diplomacy and accompaniment. And we praise your name for the gifts of generosity, healing, courage, wisdom and love which are daily demonstrated by those who aid those who are uprooted, injured and dying in war’s terrible wake.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

One: Nurturing, loving God we know your heart breaks with every war’s dawning. Left to our own devices we are completely without hope for a just and peaceful future. Make still the passions that set us to contend one against the other, and breathe the spirit of peace into us. Guide those in power to bring an end to the violence and destruction of this moment. In your mercy and grace transform hearts and minds that we might end the violence, end the menacing, end the terror, end the hatred and finally end warfare so that peace may have a chance.
All: Merciful God, make us instruments of your peace!

(adapted from a litany of Light in a Time of War, National Council of Churches USA)

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