TEAR Australia – Embodying The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
TEAR is committed to working for change – change in the world, change in the church, change in people’s lives. But we know that we can’t really change anybody else but ourselves.
In the Beatitudes, Jesus blesses all those who work for change by practising the Be-Attitudes that embody the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. If we look at the Beatitudes in both Matthew and Luke, we will see that the ‘Kingdom of God’ (Luke 6:20) is the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ (Matthew 5:3,10). And the Kingdom of Heaven is a place of blessing. A place where the meek will inherit the earth, where those who give mercy will receive it. It is a place where the hungry will be filled, and those who hunger and thirst for justice will be fulfilled. Those who mourn will be comforted, and those who weep now will laugh once more. Peacemakers will walk proudly as sons and daughters of God, and all who are pure in heart will see God. No doubt the Kingdom of God which Jesus describes here is the kind of place that I imagine most people who are a part of TEAR would hope that one day we would see…
Check out the latest Target on the Tear website that features resources for the Beatitude Revolution