Credo’s Beatitudes

Blessed are the battlers who, through their struggle,
are open about who they really are and see the deception of wealth.
They will understand that, in God’s way, there is enough for all.
Those who are grieved by the way of the world,
who see that things aren’t right, will be blessed.
Although they will be told to “get over it” they will find hope together.
Those who are compassionate and humble,
putting others before themselves, will be blessed.
They will understand their place in creation.
“Ya chasin’?”
The only real hit is to sort things out
with the world around you and God who created you.
A user got ripped off in a deal.
Soon after he found the dealer overdosed
in the Baptist Place laneway by himself.
Although the user wanted revenge in “street justice”,
he called the ambos and got help from Credo to keep him alive
not even checking his pockets to steal his gear or cash.
This is mercy. Be like this and you will be shown mercy.
People who are honest and open like children are blessed.
They will see God.
A drunk man in Credo was abusing people serving the meal
when a young streety came up to him and said:
“Hey man, this is a good place, it’s a church, it’s not evil.”
When the drunk man heard this he gave the streety a hug and settled down.
Those who make peace are children of God.
When you try to do things right,
some people around you will think that you’re weird and give you a hard time….
Like Uncle Vincent Lingari
who stood up for the rights and land of his people
but was laughed at and told that it would never happen.
He had to camp out and wait for seven years before he and his people were listened to.
Like someone who has given up heroin
and still gets called a junkie and is hassled by the jacks when he comes to town.
Like Jesus who simply loved people
and tried to teach them how to live and was beaten and killed for it.
If you persevere, God will reward you with all that is right.

Posted by Marcus Curnow at December 22, 2004 01:33 PM

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