Meet Dave In New Zealand In May
May 8-9 Auckland
Sunday 10.15am: ‘A Christlike Approach To Engaging Muslims’ Northcote Baptist Church, 67 Eban Ave, Hillcrest
Sunday 5.30 – 7pm. ‘How Can Christians And Muslims Live In Peace?’ Inter-faith gathering at Crave Cafe 25 McDonald Street, Sandringham.
Monday 7.30pm-9pm ‘Christian-Muslim Engagement’ A Carey Conversation with Dave Andrews, and Frank Ritchie (Tearfund), Rosemary Dewerse (The College of St John the Evangelist), and Mike Crudge (Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning). Carey Baptist College, 473 Great South Road, Penrose. RSVP
May 10-11 Dunedin
Tuesday 5.15 – 6.30pm Public Lecture at Otago University ‘The Jihad Of Jesus’ at Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies at Otago University (Co-hosted by the Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies and The Centre for Public Theology)
Tuesday PM 6.45 – 8.00 Supper & book promotion at All Saints Church Hall (near campus) as follow-up to lecture
Wednesday Lunch time meeting at the Clyde Street (campus) Mosque (yet to confirmed)
Wednesday 2.30pm at The Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies for informal discussion with students and staff, and they share their research (e.g on Interfaith issues)
May 12-13 Christchurch
Thursday 7.30pm ‘Can Christians and Muslims Work Together For A More Just And Peaceful Future?’ Dave Andrews & Ibrahim Abdelhalim Imam of the Lincoln University Mosque, member of the Canterbury Muslim Community Trust (CMCT), a New Zealand Ambassador for Peace, and Vice President of the Federation of Islamic Association of NZ (FIANZ).at Delta Trust Café, 105 North Avon Rd, Richmond
May 13-15 Wellington
Friday 7.30pm – 9pm ‘The Jihad Of Jesus’ Book launch Central Baptist
Sunday 10am-12pm ‘How Christians And Muslims Can Live Together In Peace’ interfaith event at Newtown Community Hall