The Imams’ Invitation
Many of us feel we are caught in the middle of a clash of civilizations. Where extremists wage wars of terror against terror and moderates run for cover. Well recently 138 moderate Muslims came out ‘from under the rubble’ as it were and called upon moderate Christians to form an alliance together against extremism.
In an historic open letter a coalition of imams, muftis and ayatollahs called upon Christians to recognize that ‘Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world’s population’. They wrote that ’the future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians’. On what foundation can we build a lasting peace? they asked. Then they answered the question by saying ‘ the basis for this peace already exists. It is part of the very found- ational principles of both faiths: love of God, and love of neighbour.’ If we practice this, there can be peace.
As a Christian I have responded to the Imams’ invitation and signed on as a public supporter of the Muslim call to be committed to this ‘Common Word’.
There are many Aussie Muslims and Christians who are showing us simple ways we can practice our love for God and for our neighbour – and rebuild the bridges between us that the extremists keep blowing up.
After the attack on the World Trade Towers on 9/11, the first mosque burnt down in retaliation anywhere in the world was in Logan. However, the Imam Mohamed Abdallah, did not call for retaliation in return. Instead of seeking vengeance, he extended forgiveness. The local Uniting Church responded by offering the use of their church for prayers until the mosque was rebuilt.
In West End Marty and Evonne Richards have built a joint social venture with Ali Karimi who first came to Australia fleeing persecution in Afghanistan as a boat person. Together they manage E.P.M. (Ethical Property Management) which provides environmentally sensitive local pest control services. And Ali’s wife Malika works with Marty and Evonne at Blackstar Roastery, a social venture that not only provides gourmet organic fair trade coffee but also creates a hospitable space for disparate groups of people in our community to come together.
As for me, I have joined AMARAH (Australian Muslims Advocating for the Rights of All Humanity) and together with a Muslim colleague, Nora Amath, host guided interfaith conversations at the Multi Faith Centre on peace, justice, community, economy and sustainability.
Each of us are discovering we can be the change we want to see in our world.
Dave Andrews
A Common Word AMARAH
BlackStar Coffee EPM