If Only George Bush Had Been Amish
The Amish response to the brutal slaying of five of their own offspring in an old fashioned, one-roomed school house was a blueprint for how President George Walker Bush should have responded to the slaughter of nearly 3,000 of our own citizens in the tragedy of September 11, 2001. The merciful decision to forgive a deranged man who, for whatever reason, chose to project a self-inflicted sense of hate upon a classroom of nothing but innocent children was exactly as God would have had it, exactly how he would have responded if it had been one of his own children who had been slain.
Something like that of “the cross” when his son, Jesus, spoke the immortal words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” A message for the ages, one for all of mankind to hear, even to understand. A reminder that hate might well rule the day, but, in the end, only love has the genuine capacity to heal a world caught up in the agonizing grip of pain and suffering.