Jesus Christ was not a Christian.

Didn’t want his own religion.

But showed us how to live life beautif’ly.

Took the path of patient service.

In pursuit of love and justice.

Then he turned to us and said “Come follow me.”

Chorus “Follow me. Follow me.” (x3)

He turned to us and said “Come follow me.”

They say that Jesus touched the people

strict observers never touched;

He served the ones that others only used.

They say that Jesus loved the people

conservative leaders never loved;

He blessed the ones that others had abused.


They say he taught a gospel

wealthy pharisees had never thought of-

Beliefs that would be “good news for the poor”.

They say his assault on the temple –

on the orthodox who’d been bought off –

Had the paupers at the door begging for an encore.


They say he preached nonviolence –

the cheek to“turn the other cheek”-

Predicting we’d see the “victory of the meek”.

Then they say he prayed forgiveness

when they nailed him for blasphemy-

Setting battlers marked by“fatwahs” completely free.


Jesus Christ was not a Christian.

Didn’t want his own religion.

But showed us how to live life beautif’ly.

Took the path of patient service.

In pursuit of love and justice.

Then he turned to us and said “Come follow me.”

Chorus “Follow me. Follow me.” (x3)

He turns to us and says “Come follow me.”


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Dave Andrews

Lyrics & Chords :

Sheet Music :

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