A West End Friend

Trev’s world

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Sunday 16 June 2013 10:05AM

Fancy dress costumes, face paint, bus trips, dad jokes and the constant search for a free cup of coffee. Trevor delights in enjoying all of them.

He once lived on a park bench in Brisbane’s Botanical Gardens. Now in his forties, his home is a one-bedroom unit in the inner city. He leads a full life, but saying a whole sentence remains a challenge for him. His complex disability means that Trev can be hard to pin down and difficult to understand.

Producer Kate Walton found herself walking the streets with him, lining up at food vans for the homeless and almost having to sing karaoke as she captured the world through Trevor’s eyes.

Many thanks to Trevor, Hamish Sewell, Trevor’s friends and all at A Place To Belong for their participation and help during the project.

This program won the Yooralla Media Award in 2012 for the coverage of people with disabilities.

Trevor and Kate

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