Ramadan Reflections On Religion 3

Dave Andrews

‘The theologian, Robert Brinsmead, comments on the very serious consequences of maintaining the Bounded Set Religion Paul Hiebert talks about.

Whether Christian or Muslim, ‘a Closed Set Perspective Of Religion “draws lines of demarcation through the human race. The chosen people are distinguished from the unchosen, insiders from outsiders, clean from unclean, believers from unbelievers, the enlightened from the unenlightened. People who live within separate barriers cannot effectively communicate. What is orthodoxy to one group, is blasphemy to other, and vice versa.

“Each religion produces an elite that regards itself as superior to the rest of humanity by virtue of possessing the truth. Such arrogance breeds estrangement and, eventually, hostility. Concrete examples of the ill-treatment of humanity, which inevitably follows such a devotion to religion are legion!”

‘People committed to ‘Closed Set’ religion have constantly been shown to be dogmatic, and judgmental and, consequently, quite intolerant of political dissent. They have constantly been shown to be more egocentric and more ethnocentric and, more uncharitable towards disreputable minorities than their nonreligious compatriots.

‘The more popular a ‘Closed Set’ religion becomes, the less likely they have been to champion important unpopular campaigns, like a due regard for universal basic human rights. Once it has become established, it has typically been totally unwilling to advocate crucial anti-establishment causes, like liberty, equality, and democracy for all.’

Dave Andrews p73-74 The Jihad Of Jesus http://bit.ly/1CedNDX

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