Ramadan Reflections On Jihad 4

Dave Andrews

Rane says ‘in the context of conflict, the pursuit of peace is paramount to the extent that the Qur’an instructs Muslims; “Do not allow your oaths in the name of God to become an obstacle to virtue and God-consciousness and the promotion of peace between people” (2: 224). Peace should not be rejected, even from a non-Muslim encountered in war.’ (4:94)

Like the Maulana, who says, ‘God is Peace or As-Salam’, and ‘the very word ‘Islam (from the Arabic silm) means peace’, Rane insists ‘peace’ not ‘war’ is the purpose of Islam, and jihad is the path to peace. Rane asserts that in the Qur’an the word for ‘war’ is not ‘jihad’ but ‘qital’, and that the word ‘jihad’ means ‘struggle’ not ‘war’. He says that there 6,000 verses in the Qur’an, and out of those 6,000 verses, only 35 verses refer to jihad; and out of those 35 verses, 20 times jihad is used ambiguously, 11 times jihad is used unambig-uously in terms of peace, and 4 times jihad is used unambiguously in terms of war.

Dave Andrews p101 The Jihad Of Jesus http://bit.ly/1CedNDX

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