Ramadan Reflections On Jihad 6

Dave Andrews

In Christianity, Ambrose and Augustine developed a set of criteria to call those in power – who make war – to temper the use of violence with ‘wisdom, mercy, justice and equity’. They argued that in order for a war to be conducted according to the principles of justice it would need to meet eight specific conditions. One, it would need to be motivated by a ‘just’ cause – and the only cause considered to be ‘just’ was to stop the killing of large numbers of people. Two, it would need to be administered by a ‘just’ authority – duly constituted authorities had to proceed carefully according to due process before taking action. Three, it would always need to be a last resort – after all means of negotiation, mediation, arbitration and nonviolent sanctions had been exhausted. Four, it would need to be for a ‘just’ purpose – to secure the welfare, safety and security of all parties in the dispute, including the enemy. Five, it would need to be a reasonable risk – not a futile gesture, but a realistic venture, with a reasonable hope of success. Six, it would need to be cost effective – the outcomes of victory would outweigh the human costs of battle. Seven, that any government intending to go to war should announce their intentions – articulating the conditions that would need to be met to avert it – in order to avoid going to war if at all possible. Eight, that, if the war were to go ahead, that not only the ends, but also the means would need to be ‘just’ – noncombatants must be protected; once combatants surrender, they too must be protected from slaughter; and all prisoners must be protected from torture.

According to these criteria, (set out in Islam and in Christianity) none of our current wars are ‘just wars’, they are just ‘wars’.

If we are to struggle for justice with integrity, dignity and grace we need to reject all the calls to a violent jihad of ‘Not-So-Holy’ So-Called ‘Holy Wars’ and embrace the nonviolent jihad of the ‘Whole-Hearted Strong-But-Gentle Struggle For Justice Against Injustice’.

Dave Andrews p102-3 The Jihad Of Jesus http://bit.ly/1CedNDX

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