Ramadan Reflections On Jesus 1
Dave Andrews
Many conversations between Christians and Muslims about Isa or Jesus deteriorate from dialogue into debate and from debate into dispute, gener¬ating more heat than light on the subject. Often this occurs because both sides want to impose their own particular view of Isa or Jesus on the other and are unable and/or unwilling to respect the other person’s particular point of view.
In order to avoid such unproductive disputations, I have written the following observations based on those views of Isa or Jesus that both the Qur’an and the Injil or the Gospel (as recorded in the Gospels in the New Testament, according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) have in common.
While I acknowledge the significant differences Christians and Muslims have about Isa/Jesus, I have intentionally tried to focus on those beliefs about him that Christians and Muslims have in common as the place for us to start our conversations, treating “common ground” not as suspect compromise, but as “sacred ground” on which we can stand and speak to one another.
Dave Andrews p105 The Jihad Of Jesus http://bit.ly/1CedNDX