be encouraged by stories from around the world
Religion’s cutting edge: lessons from Africa
The experience of Christian-led work for human rights and social justice in Africa poses hard questions to the anti-religious discourse of intellectuals such as Richard Dawkins…The idea that religion may be a close ally of those in civil society and human-rights organisations campaigning for a better world might surprise or even scandalise the growing number […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Franziska and Franz Jägerstätter
Hundreds of thousands of people opposing the war took to the streets last week in Washington and many other places. I was in Los Angeles at the time and joined a march there. Destination: the L.A. Federal Building. There we were addressed by Cindy Sheehan and Ron Kovic, inspiring speakers both. And on top of […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »No Altar, No Pews, Not Even a Roof, but Very Much a Church
A small but growing number of congregations now go outdoors to bring church to the homeless and anyone else who happens along.
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »A drive to help others forgive
The Campaign for Love and Forgiveness promotes compassion in society, shining a light on those profoundly changed by it.”Revenge is never the right response. Conflict will never go away, but from conflict, brotherhood and unity are possible.”
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »A congregation tears down its church to expand its mission
The Presbyterian congregation will put up affordable senior housing in the church’s place.”It’s kind of a bittersweet time because on the one hand, we’re losing something very special to all of us,” says Dr. Olinger. “On the other side, it’s a very exciting time because we’re getting to reinvent ourselves and to provide the type […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Soldier Chooses Court-martial Over Deployment
Soldier chooses court-martial over deployment As the Iraq war’s first publicly known soldier to refuse deployment faces court-martial and potential imprisonment, the agency that has worked with him in his effort to obtain conscientious objector status urged Mennonites to remain active in the struggle against war. On Sept. 26, Army Specialist Agustín Aguayo turned himself […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »The Mary We Never Knew
Why the mother of Jesus was more revolutionary than we’ve been led to believe. Scot McKnight | posted 11/28/2006 08:44AM There are two Marys. One wears a Carolina blue robe, exudes piety from a somber face, often holds her baby son in her arms, and barely makes eye contact with us. This is the familiar […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Pine Gap 4 Update
Dear friends In the spirit of the homeless, refugee child Jesus, I send you hopes and prayers for a meaningful Christmas/New Year period and I also bring you some news….. The Pine Gap 4 now have a confirmed trial date! It is May 29, 2007. Two weeks have been set aside for the trial (by […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Ex-hostages in Iraq opt for forgiveness
Iraqi suspects await trial, but the Christian Peacemaker Teams say they oppose harsh punishments.Three pacifists who were held hostage for 118 days in Iraq and were released only after a fourth colleague was murdered, publicly forgave their captors Friday. At a press conference in London, the members of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) said they […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Christian Soldier Returns to Front Lines Unarmed
By Will Braun, Editor, Geez magazine On the phone, in between his duties at Schofield Army Barracks in Hawaii, Sergeant Logan Laituri tells me he wants to “live radically for Christ.” Normally I stumble over that sort of fervor – couched, as it is, in terms I would usually consider vague and cliche […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Jarrod McKenna, Peace Fellow
By Adrian Glamorgan A few young people inspired by the work of Martin Luther King Jnr, Dorothy Day, the historic Peace churches and ultimately Rabbi Yeshua, the Nazarene, have established a spiritual community, “The Peace Tree,” in one of the more demoralised suburbs in Perth. This idealistic, practical, intentional community’s connections with Christianity are unapologetic, […]
Read the rest of this entry » Read the rest of this entry »Cartridge World Update – Samantha Jockel
For those of you who remember a while ago i wrote about an everyday interaction i had with a man at cartridge world when i went to get my ink refilled. We just had a really good conversation about life and what’s possible and this was because i intentionally create space and time in my […]
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