EPYC – Empowering Peacemakers in Your Community

The EPYC – ‘Empowering Peacemakers in Your Community’ – team: 

  • explore themes of nonviolence education (not merely as a tactic of social change, but as a chosen lifestyle);
  • explore personal, ecological and social justice concerns; and
  • offer a “spirituality of engagement,” ( not escapism), to meet our world’s needs in transformative ways

People are starting to pay attention.  Tim Costello has said: “Around the world there is an emerging generation of young leaders who are rediscovering the radical implications of Jesus’ message of the ‘kingdom’ and are letting their lives speak of these alternatives to the cycles of violence, poverty and environmental destruction.  Jarrod McKenna is one such young leader Australia has to offer, and the EPYC program promises to empower many more.”
EPYC offers a self-confessedly heroic impulse, a journey for gentle revolutionaries, of gentle prophets, of a fearless, confrontational, gentleness central to the message.  Practically, the youth organization simply works to “train the next generation of ecoprophets in the transformational nonviolence of Christ.”  But Jarrod’s vision is much bigger.  In Jarrod’s own words, “EPYC’s vision is to inspire, invite and equip a generation to receive and participate in God’s vision of a world transformed by love.”

Check it out on http://www.suwa.org.au/parts/epyc/

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